Further Amendment #387.1 to H3400

Further Amendment to #387

Mr. Conroy of Wayland Mr. Conroy of Wayland moves to amend amendment 387 to House Bill 3400 by inserting at the end thereof the following:-


Notwithstanding any special or general law to the contrary, the provisions of sections 5, 86, 89, 91, AA, BB and CC shall not take effect until such time as (i) the executive office of health and human services has furnished a report to the house and senate committees on ways and means detailing the means by which the office shall incorporate a computerized income, asset and identity eligibility system and an integrated eligibility system, including the costs to the commonwealth, the time needed for implementation of such systems; an assessment on the current technological capability of the commonwealth, related industries and any improvements necessary to implement the systems listed above; a distributional analysis showing the impact on recipients; the current practice of other states; the availability of information from public databases and public records data; and the utilization of third party vendors for eligibility verification; provided, further, that pursuant to examining such systems the office may establish a pilot program with an external service provider to determine the effectiveness of various fraud management tools to identify potential fraud at claims submission and validation in order to reduce fraud in benefit programs administered by the office; and (ii) necessary legislation pursuant to the report has been filed and passed pursuant to Part 2, Chap. 1, Sec. 1, Art. II of the Constitution.