Amendment #489 to H3400

Relative to Teaching Excellence

Mr. Garballey of Arlington moves that the bill be amended by adding the following section- “SECTION XX. The General Court finds that, in our current education system, the ten processes that are designed to support educator quality are frequently disconnected, undermining their collective capacity to support and sustain educator excellence, and depleting resources from schools; and further finds that when the components of this system are organized to align with one another and with a common, research-based, field-tested core of professional knowledge, the cumulative effect is a more effective, unified and efficient system.  That system will produce high expertise teaching for more students, resulting in their improved achievement. Therefore, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education may conduct a study and issue a report as to best implement this educational system, and finds that the passage of this act is necessary to address the problem of lack of continuity and connection by encouraging adoption of a validated common core of professional teaching knowledge that impacts all the levers of influence on teacher quality and expertise in a coordinated and sustainable manner.”