Amendment #580 to H3400

Innovation Schools

Mr. Rosa of Leominster move to amend the bill in Section 2, by inserting after 7061-9010 the following item:


7061-9011  Innovation Schools

"For competitive grants to school districts for planning, implementation and enhancement of Innovation Schools; provided, that, in the case of planning grants, applicants have received approval of the Innovation School prospectus from the screening committee; provided further, that, in the case of implementation grants, the applicant has received final approval of the Innovation School from the local school committee; provided further, that Innovation Schools looking to enhance their Innovation School plans have demonstrated progress in meeting the school's measurable annual goals and have a compelling plan for enhancing their Innovation School plan; provided further, that priority will be given to schools proposed in Level 3 and 4 districts; and provided further, that up to $365,000 may be expended to provide technical assistance and support to Innovation School applicants during planning and implementation."     $1,465,000