Amendment #5 to H3700

Durable Medical Equipment

Representatives Cole of Peabody and O'Connell of Taunton moves to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof the following new section:

“Section XX: The Secretary of Administration and Finance and the Secretary of Health and Human Services are hereby authorized and directed establish a commission to evaluate the feasibility of contracting for recycling durable medical equipment purchased and issued by the Commonwealth through any and all of its medical assistance programs.


Said evaluation shall include but not be limited to a request for qualifications and/or proposals for entities capable of developing, implementing and operating a system of recycling whereby an inventory of such equipment is developed and managed so as to maximize the quality of service delivery to equipment recipients and to minimize costs and losses attributable to waste, fraud and/or abuse.




The Commission will consist of the Secretaries of Administration & Finance and Health & Human Services or their designee, a representative of the medical manufacturing industry, a representative from a Massachusetts hospital, a patient advocate, a representative from the insurance industry, a Senator appointed by the Senate President, a Senator appointed by the Senate Minority leader, a House member appointed by the Speaker, and a House member appointed by the House Minority Leader.



The Commission shall report the findings of said evaluation, together with cost estimates for the operation of a recycling program, estimates of the savings it would generate, estimates for recycling and legislative recommendations, no later than February 1, 2014."

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #5 to H3700

Durable Medical Equipment


Shaunna O'Connell