Amendment #1 to H3770

Establishing an IT Procurement Commission

Mr. Jones moves to amend the bill move to amend the bill, in SECTION 11, by striking subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following:--


“(a) There shall be a special commission for the purpose of making an investigation and study relative to information technology procurement and to make recommendations regarding responsible and fiscally prudent standards for state information technology procurements, known as the information technology procurement commission. The commission shall be chaired by the secretary of administration and finance or his designee. The governor shall appoint two members to the commission. The treasurer, the attorney general, the speaker of the house and the senate president, house minority leader, senate minority leader shall each appoint one member to the commission. Each member of the commission shall have experience in at least one of the following areas: software and technology development, operations management, government procurement, public finance and government contract negation and dispute resolution. Commission appointments shall be made no later than December 15, 2013.”


; and further, in line 189, by striking the word “consultant” and inserting in place thereof the following:--




; and further, in line 192, by striking the date “May 1, 2014” and inserting in place thereof the following:--


“April 1, 2014.”.