Amendment #1 to H3772

Relative to Early Voting Period

Mr. Speliotis moves to amend the bill by striking out, in lines 39 to 43, inclusive, the sentence “The voting period for early voting shall begin on the eleventh business day before the primary or election and continue through the second business day before the primary or election during the regular or normal business hours of the city or town clerk; provided, however, that if the beginning of such period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday the early voting period shall begin on the first business day prior thereto.” and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- “The voting period for early voting shall begin on the eleventh day before the primary or election and continue through the second day before the primary or election during the regular or normal business hours of the city or town clerk; provided, however, that if the eleventh day before the primary or election falls on a legal holiday the early voting period shall begin on the first weekday prior thereto.”;

and by striking out the words “10 business days in advance of the early voting”, in line 64, and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “21 days in advance of the primary or election.”.