Amendment #6 to H3899

School Funding Study

Mr. Durant of Spencer moves to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof the following section:-


SECTION XX: Providing for a study by a special commission relative to public school budgets


SECTION 1. A special commission is hereby established for the purpose of conducting a study relative to local contributions to public school districts. The commission shall evaluate the need of a potential measure limiting a municipality’s contribution to a school district’s budget to 2½ per cent above the municipality’s previous fiscal year contribution, adjusted seasonably for student population and special education costs, unless the municipality votes to override the measure at a ballot election. The commission shall evaluate the potential impact the measure may have on municipalities and public school districts within the commonwealth. The commission shall make any recommendations or suggestions as it sees fit.


The commission shall consist of the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on revenue, who shall serve as co-chairs of the commission; 1 member to be appointed by the senate president; 1 member to be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; 1 member to be appointed by the senate minority leader; 1 member to be appointed by the house minority leader; the commissioner of the department of revenue or the commissioner’s designee; the commissioner of the department of elementary and secondary education or the commissioner’s designee, 2 persons to be appointed by the governor and 1 representative from each of the following associations: the Massachusetts Association of School Committees; the Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association. All appointments shall be made not later than 30 days after the effective date of this resolve.  The chairpersons shall meet with the commission not later than 60 days after the effective date of this resolve.


SECTION 2. The commission shall report to the general court the result of its study and its recommendations, if any, together with any drafts of legislation necessary to carry its recommendations into effect by filing the same with the clerk of the house of representatives not later than 180 days after the first meeting of the commission.