Amendment #2 to H3978

Dempsey Amendment

Mr. Dempsey of Haverhill moves to amend the bill striking, in line 18, the word “and”


And moves to further amend the bill by inserting, in line 19, after the word “depression” the following words:- ; and written information regarding prenatal nutrition, maintaining a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.


And moves to further amend the bill by inserting, in line 35, after the word “handcuffs” the following words:- in front.


And moves to further amend the bill by inserting, in line 37, after the word “female.” the following sentence:-  Whenever possible, the correction officer shall be positioned in a location in the room that will ensure, to the extent feasible, patient privacy.


And moves to further amend the bill by striking, in line 41, the words “during transportation or while receiving medical treatment” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- at any time, including during transportation


And moves to further amend the bill by inserting, in line 47, after the words “determines that the” the following word:- specific


And moves to further amend the bill by inserting at the end thereof the following:-

(d) Any time restraints are used on an inmate, the superintendent shall submit a report within 48 hours to the security of public safety and security, including the date, time, duration, location, rationale for the use of restraints, and the agency to which the corrections officer reports; provided, however, that such reports shall not contain individually identifying information regarding any inmate.  The secretary shall submit to the legislature an annual report regarding compliance with this section, including all incidents involving use of restraints. Such report shall be filed annually on or before July 1 with the offices of the clerk of the house and the senate and shall be a public record.