Amendment #101 to H4000

Ensuring Medicaid and Senior Care Organizations Fiscal Stability Under the Affordable Care Act

Mr. Nangle of Lowell moves that the bill be amended, in Section 2, in item 4000-0300, by inserting at the end thereof the following:-



“provided further that the office of Medicaid shall reimburse the managed care organizations and senior care organizations that are under contract with the Commonwealth for the full costs associated with the affordable care act’s insurer fee and the related tax liability. MassHealth shall apply an add-on to the managed care organizations’ and senior care organizations’ capitation rates to cover the affordable care act’s insurer fee and the related tax liability, said add-on should be exclusive of any additional rate increase currently being proposed for the fiscal year 2015. The office of Medicaid shall provide a report of the amount of reimbursement of the affordable care act’s insurer fee and the related tax liability and the methodology for calculating said reimbursement to the managed care organizations’ and senior care organizations and the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means and the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing;“