Amendment #1032 to H4000

Head Injury Treatment Services

Representatives Conroy of Wayland, Durant of Spencer, Khan of Newton, Hecht of Watertown, Kaufman of Lexington, Keenan of Salem, Madden of Nantucket, Puppolo of Springfield, Ferguson of Holden, Sannicandro of Ashland, Zlotnik of Gardner, Dykema of Holliston, Matewsky of Everett, Smizik of Brookline, Beaton of Shrewsbury, Atkins of Concord, Brodeur of Melrose and DiNatale of Fitchburg move to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4120-6000, by striking out the figures “$15,659,292” and inserting in place thereof the figures "$17,000,000".