Amendment #918 to H4000

Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Initiative Task Force

Mr. Hecht of Watertown moves to amend the bill by adding the following section:


“SECTION XXXX. Chapter 21N of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 9 the following:-

Section 10. (a) The Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Initiative Task Force shall be convened by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. The Task Force shall include representation from relevant state agencies and entities, the General Court, municipalities, vehicle manufacturers, owners and operators of alternative fuel infrastructure, electric distribution companies, municipal light plant organizations, other members of the business community, the environmental community, and a regional organization of state air quality agencies.  The Task Force shall be chaired by two undersecretaries of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the commissioner of the Department of Energy Resources, and the commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.

(b) The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, with the advice and assistance of the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Initiative Task Force, shall develop an Electric Vehicle Action Plan by September 30th, 2014. The Electric Vehicle Action Plan shall include both regulatory proposals and recommendations to the General Court for statutory amendments.  The Electric Vehicle Action Plan shall include targets for electric vehicles and electric vehicle infrastructure and may include an administrative program for consumer rebates.

(c) Beginning in 2015, the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Initiative Task Force shall meet at least twice per year.  After consultation with the Task Force, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs may amend the recommendations for regulatory and statutory proposals in the Electric Vehicle Action Plan.  The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs shall issue an annual progress report on the Electric Vehicle Action Plan”.