Amendment #925 to H4000

Employment Training

Representatives Sannicandro of Ashland, Khan of Newton, Kaufman of Lexington, Benson of Lunenburg, Walsh of Framingham, Keenan of Salem, Cusack of Braintree, Scibak of South Hadley, Speliotis of Danvers, Honan of Boston, Calter of Kingston, Cullinane of Boston, Dykema of Holliston and Conroy of Wayland move to amend the bill in Section 2 by inserting after item 7002-0012 the following item:


"7002-xxxx: For employment training program for unemployed or underemployed young adults with disabilities, provided that funds shall be awarded competitively by Commonwealth Corporation to community-based organizations with recognized success in creating strong collaborations with employers to consider young adults with disabilities; provided further that said organization shall provide extensive training and internship programming and ongoing post-placement support for participants and employers … $500,000"