Amendment #5 to H4091
English Language Learners
Mr. Cabral of New Bedford moves to amend the bill in line 148 by inserting the following:
(8) For a school with limited English-proficient students, the superintendant shall include in the turnaround plan alternative English language learning programs for limited English proficient students, notwithstanding Chapter 71A, and the school committee may retain said programs after the school is no longer designated a challenge, underperforming or chronically underperforming school, notwithstanding Chapter 71A.
And to further amend the bill in line 219 by inserting a new section:
SECTION XX: Subsection (c) of section 1J of chapter 69 is hereby amended by adding the following: For a school with limited English-proficient students, the superintendant shall include in the turnaround plan alternative English language learning programs for limited English proficient students, notwithstanding Chapter 71A, and the school committee may retain said programs after the school is no longer designated an underperforming or chronically underperforming school, notwithstanding Chapter 71A.
And to further amend the bill in line 238 by inserting a new section:
SECTION XX: Subsection (n) of section 1J of chapter 69 is hereby amended by adding the following: For a school with limited English-proficient students, the commissioner shall include in the turnaround plan alternative English language learning programs for limited English proficient students, notwithstanding Chapter 71A, and the school committee may retain said programs after the school is no longer designated an underperforming or chronically underperforming school, notwithstanding Chapter 71A.
And to further amend the bill in line 304 by inserting a new section:
SECTION XX: Subsection (c) of section 1K of chapter 69 is hereby amended by adding the following: For a district with limited English-proficient students, the commissioner and the receiver shall include in the turnaround plan alternative English language learning programs for limited English proficient students, notwithstanding Chapter 71A, and the school committee may retain said programs after the district is no longer designated an underperforming or chronically underperforming district, notwithstanding Chapter 71A.