Amendment #3, as changed to H4165

Downtown Parking Management Assistance for Major Jobs Centers

Representatives Stanley of Waltham, Cronin of Easton, Dwyer of Woburn, Golden of Lowell and Walsh of Framingham moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after item 7002-1506 the following item:-

7002-1507  For grants for the study and implementation of parking management plans in municipalities that, due to residential, commercial or industrial development, require the development of demand-based parking to meet the needs of visitors to the municipality whether they be employees, customers of businesses or tourists; provided, that municipalities that demonstrate an average daily visitor population or at least 30,000 shall be given priority grants up to $100,000.  The grants shall be administered by the executive office of housing and economic development, in consultation with the department of transportation....$1,000,000.00

Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #3, as changed to H4165

Downtown Parking Management Assistance for Major Jobs Centers


Claire D. Cronin

James J. Dwyer

Thomas A. Golden, Jr.

Chris Walsh