Amendment #1 to H4222

Floor Amendment

Mr. Kulik of Worthington moves to amend the bill Mr. Kulik of Worthington moves to amend House, No. 4222 by striking out section 1 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

“SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, Donald Dufault, firefighter for the fire department of the town of Whately and John DuBois, firefighter for said fire department, may continue to serve in such positions until the age of 70, until the date of their retirement or non-reappointment, whichever occurs first. No further deductions shall be made from the regular compensation of Donald Dufault or John DuBois for any service performed subsequent to their reaching the age of 65  in connection with their service to the town for retirement or pension purposes under chapter 32 of the General Laws.”.