Amendment #1 to H4278

Ensuring adequate psychology services in schools

Ms. Balser of Newton moves to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof:


SECTION X.  Section 118 of chapter 112 of the General Laws as appearing in the 2012 Official Edition is hereby amended by striking out the definition, “health service training program” and inserting in place thereof the following definition:-

“Health service training program”, supervised experience at a site where health services in psychology are normally provided or where licensed psychologists typically practice in a recognized specialty of professional psychology by providing health services and which is part of an organized integrated training program as defined by the rules and regulations of the board.   A school setting qualifies as a site where licensed psychologists typically practice in a recognized specialty of professional psychology provided that the job description of the supervising licensed psychologist includes “health service”, as defined in this section.


SECTION Y.  Said section 118 of chapter 112 is hereby further amended by inserting after the word “provided,” in line 27 the following words:- or where licensed psychologists typically practice in a recognized specialty of professional psychology by providing health services,



SECTION Z.  Section 120 of said chapter 112 is hereby amended, by inserting in line 10 after the words “independently provides,” the following:- health services in a recognized specialty,