Amendment #10, as changed to S1885

An Amendment Relative to Tax Abatements for Disabled Veterans

Mr.  Cutler moves to amend the bill Mr. Cutler moves to amend H. 3720 by adding the following section:-


Section 9A. Said section 5 of said chapter 59 is hereby amended by inserting after clause Twenty-second F the following clause:-


Twenty-second G. Real estate of soldiers and sailors and their spouses who are legal residents of the commonwealth who are veterans as defined in clause forty-three of section seven of chapter four, a disabled veteran may transfer or convey his residence or domicile, to which the disabled veteran has assigned the benefit of the tax abatement listed under said chapter 58 or this chapter to a trust or conservatorship or other legal instrument passing ownership to his spouse, such disabled veteran or his spouse shall be entitled to lawfully retain that formerly granted tax abatement to the residence or domicile until the death of the disabled veteran or his surviving spouse, providing that the aforementioned remain residing in said residence or domicile until their death. This clause shall take effect upon its acceptance by any city or town.



Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #10, as changed to S1885

An Amendment Relative to Tax Abatements for Disabled Veterans


James M. Cantwell

Thomas J. Calter

David M. Rogers