Amendment ID: S1890-6

Amendment 6

Legislative Report Availability

Mr. Tarr moves to amend the amendment by inserting at the end the following new sections:-

“SECTION XX. Section 12 of chapter 68 of the Acts of 2011 is hereby amended by striking the words:- “and (9) collaborate with other state agencies, authorities and other entities to carry out these purposes.” and inserting in place thereof the following:-

(9) track all legislative directives, reports, studies or recommendations, whether completed or not, required by law to be performed by all secretariats, commissions, task forces,  departments, agencies, quasi-state agencies or entities of the commonwealth and required to be submitted to the clerks of the house or senate or a legislative committee or subcommittee; (10) make all legislative directives, reports, studies or legislative recommendations conspicuously available and accessible online in searchable format on the office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency website; and (11) collaborate with other state agencies, authorities and other entities to carry out these purposes.”

SECTION XXX. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, all commissions, secretariats, departments, agencies, quasi-state agencies or entities of the commonwealth required by law to file a report with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate, or with the chairs of any legislative committee, shall file said report via electronic means and shall provide an electronic copy of the report to the office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency. Said office of commonwealth performance, accountability and transparency shall monitor the progress of all required reports and prominently make all reports available to the public via its website. A secretariat, department, agency, quasi-state agency or any other entity of the commonwealth shall provide a copy in hard copy format of any report upon request.”