Amendment ID: S1890-8-R2

2nd Redraft Amendment 8

Glavin Reuse Committee

Mr. Michael O. Moore moves to amend the amendment by inserting after section 45 the following section:-

“SECTION 45A. (a) As used in sections this section, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Commissioner", the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance.

"GRC committee", the Irving A. Glavin Regional Center at Shrewsbury Reuse Committee, which shall include 3 representatives of the town of Shrewsbury, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Shrewsbury board of selectmen or a designee who shall serve as chairperson, 1 of whom shall be a member of the Shrewsbury planning board or a designee and 1 of whom shall be chosen by the Shrewsbury board of selectmen; 1 representative of the division of capital asset management and maintenance and 1 representative of the department of developmental services. The members, other than the representatives of the state agencies, shall be appointed annually by the local governing authority. The senator and representative who represent the town shall serve as ex-officio members.

“GRC site”, the area of state-owned land located in the town of Shrewsbury known as the Irving A. Glavin Regional Center at Shrewsbury, together with the buildings and improvements thereon and the rights, easements and other interests appurtenant thereto.

"Plan", a reuse plan prepared by the division in consultation with the GRC committee  which shall be approved by the commissioner and filed in accordance with subsection (b); provided, however, that the plan may be enhanced, refined or amended from time to time as provided in this section and shall include uses for department programs, uses that promote environmental preservation, open space and any other use found to be appropriate by the commissioner, town and committee.

"Selection committee", the proposal selection committee established to review proposals and make recommendations to the commissioner, which shall include 1 representative of the town chosen by the board of selectmen to be appointed annually; 1 representative of the division of capital asset management and maintenance; 1 representative of the department of developmental services; and 1 representative from the GRC committee.

(b) The commissioner shall undertake planning, studies and preparation of plans and specifications necessary to carry out this section consistent with the plan. The GRC committee shall submit its recommendations for the reuse plan with the commissioner within 180 days after the effective date of this section.  The GRC committee shall hold at least 2 public comment sessions.  The commissioner shall consult with the GRC committee on any amendment to the plan and shall develop, issue and advertise requests for proposals consistent with the plan within 90 days after receipt of the plan. Upon receipt of proposals, the commissioner shall convene the selection committee to review and make recommendations regarding selection to the commissioner. The town’s governing authority shall be encouraged to submit proposals for uses consistent with the plan for some or all of the property. If proposals from the town shall be among those recommended to the commissioner, the commissioner shall reasonably accommodate the schedule required for town meeting votes if a town meeting vote is required to complete or approve a proposal before making any final decisions on the proposals. Any reuse shall be consistent with chapter 212 of the acts 2012.” ; and

by striking out section 59 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

“SECTION 59.  Sections 45A and 53 shall take effect upon their passage.”