Amendment ID: S1925-26

Amendment 26

Labor Market Areas

Messrs. Tarr and Ross move to amend the bill by inserting after section _ the following section:-

Section _.  The secretary of labor and workforce development, in consultation with the secretary of administration and finance and the secretary of housing and economic development, shall study the impact of the minimum wage rate and minimum wage rate increases as they relate to New England City and Town Area’s (NECTAs) and Labor Market Areas (LMAs) in Massachusetts.  The study shall analyze the cost of living in said NECTAs and LMAs and the effective minimum wage rate adjusted for the cost of living in said NECTAs and LMAs, detailing the impact of minimum wage rates on employment, the ability of employers to hire additional employees, and the effectiveness of the minimum wage rate at reducing poverty.  The report, together with any legislative recommendations, shall be filed electronically with the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate and the joint committee on labor and workforce development not later than May 15, 2014.