Amendment ID: S1975-18

Amendment 18

Early Voting

Mr. Kennedy moves to amend the amendment by striking out in section 11subsection b and subsection l and inserting in place thereof the following sections:-

“(b) The voting period for early voting shall run: (i) from the tenth business day preceding a primary or general election; provided, however, that if the tenth business day before the primary or election falls on a legal holiday the early voting period shall begin on the first business day prior to the legal holiday, until the close of business on the Friday before the primary or election; and (ii) a total of not less than 10 hours total during the Saturday and Sunday immediately preceding the day of the primary or election.”

“(l) The counting of early voting ballots shall be set by regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter. All envelopes referred to in this section shall be retained with the ballots cast at the election and shall be preserved and destroyed in the manner provided by law for the retention, preservation or destruction of official ballots.”