Amendment ID: S2001-1-R2
2nd Redraft Amendment 1
Skills Training Internship Task Force
Ms. Spilka moves to amend the bill by inserting at the end thereof, the following new section:-
SECTION XX. The department of unemployment assistance shall investigate the feasibility of and design a pilot program to provide skills training internships with employers in the Commonwealth for residents who are unemployed and are receiving unemployment insurance benefits under chapter 151A of the General Laws.
The department shall file a report with the clerks of the senate and house of representatives not later than January 2, 2015 that will: (i) review existing federal and state laws, regulations and policies governing eligibility for unemployment insurance, unpaid internships, wages and hours and workers’ compensation insurance; (ii) develop a pilot program that will be in compliance with the requirements outlined in section (i); (iii) outline eligibility requirements for persons and businesses to participate in a program; (iv) investigate procedures to ensure that interns do not displace or adversely affect the wages, hours or other benefits held by existing employees; (v) recommend specific industries or businesses in the commonwealth for participation in the program; (vi) examine methods or incentives to encourage participation in the program; (vii) consider benchmarks and reporting standards to measure successful outcomes; (viii) explore any other measures it deems necessary for a skills training internship pilot program, including the cost of implementation.