Amendment ID: S2010-16

Amendment 16

RAFT Line Item Increase

Messrs. Donnelly, Rosenberg and Eldridge, Ms. Spilka, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Ms. Creem, Ms. Jehlen, Mr. Barrett and Ms. Lovely move to amend the bill in Section 2, by inserting after item 7004-0103 the following item:-

“7004-9316 …..…………………………………………………………………………….$1,200,000”;

and by inserting after section 18 the following section:-

“SECTION 18A.  Item 7004-9316 of said section 2 of said chapter 38 is hereby amended by striking out the figure “$500,000” and inserting in place thereof the following figure:- $1,700,000.”