Amendment #4 to S2021

Drinking Water Projects

Ms. Peake of Provincetown moves to amend the bill in Section 19, in line 179, by adding after the word "CWMP." the following:


(6) For certain drinking water projects that meet the following criteria:

a. the project’s primary purpose is to protect health by providing a public water supply in response to groundwater contamination requiring compliance by the public entity under M.G.L. 21E;


b. the project is located in a municipality which relies exclusively on on-site wastewater disposal systems for residential properties;


c. the project is located in a municipality in which there is no existing municipality owned and operated drinking water supply system serving single family residential properties;


d. the project is located in a municipality or district in which there is no existing publicly owned wastewater treatment facility;


e. the applying municipality’s development must be at eighty per cent or greater of build out  as defined by the area regional planning agency or its equivalent.