Amendment ID: S2073-14

Amendment 14

Winter Surveillance and Patrol

Mr. Eldridge, Ms. Creem, Messrs. Wolf and Donnelly and Ms. Jehlen move to amend the amendment by striking out in SECTION 7, lines 181-188 and inserting the following new section:- “Winter surveillance and patrol of cast iron gas pipelines in the commonwealth shall be required when any of the following criteria are present:

(1) there are significant variations in temperature oscillating above and below 32 degrees Fahrenheit;

(2) when the ambient temperature is forecasted to remain at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower for 7 or more consecutive days and the system experiences 3 breaks or more per day over 2 successive days; or

(3) when the temperature falls below 20 degrees Fahrenheit and field verified frost depth conditions of 24 inches or greater exist. The high speed cast iron survey will concentrate on 4 inch, 6 inch, and 8 inch cast iron mains and areas with historical cast iron breaks.”