Amendment ID: S2176-1

Amendment 1

Messrs. Rodrigues and Richard Moore

Mr. Rodrigues moves to amend the amendment by striking out subsection (d) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-

“(d) Within a reasonable time following any such substitution, the dispensing pharmacist or the pharmacist’s designee shall notify the prescribing practitioner of the substitution. The notification shall be conveyed by a notation in the interoperable electronic health record of the patient, as defined by section 1 of chapter 118I.

If the pharmacist does not have the ability to make a notation in the patient’s interoperable health record, then the notification shall be conveyed by facsimile, electronic transmission or by making a notation in the patient’s record maintained by the pharmacy, which is accessible to the practitioner by request.

A pharmacist who utilizes an interoperable electronic prescribing technology shall enter the substitution into the patient’s electronic health record.”