Amendment ID: S2187-58-R4

4th Redraft Amendment 58


Mr. Montigny moves to amend the bill in section 2A by inserting in line item 1100-3003, at the end thereof the following:-

“provided further that $2,000,000 be expended for capital improvements including, but not limited to, demolition, acquisition, renovation, restoration, design, and construction at the Zeiterion Theatre in the city of New Bedford.”

and; by inserting after section XX the following section:-

SECTION __. The secretary of transportation and the secretary of energy and environmental affairs shall jointly submit a report regarding the capital and operating needs of the New Bedford state pier to the senate and house chairs of the committees on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets and the clerks of the senate and the house of representatives not later than December 31, 2014. The report shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) an analysis of the current state of repair of the pier, including a description of all projects and expenditures needed to bring the pier into a state of good repair and low-end and high-end estimates of the useful life of all physical components of the pier and the estimated cost, as of the effective date of this act, to replace the physical components of the pier;

(ii) all operating expenses associated with the pier for the prior and current fiscal years including, without limitation, payments to all vendors performing any work with respect to the pier and the salaries of all state employees who have performed any work with respect to the pier;

(iii) all persons and entities currently making use of the pier under any written or  unwritten lease, license, permit, invitation or other agreement;

(iv) recommendations as to the most efficient structure for ownership, management, operation and oversight of the pier including, without limitation, a recommendation as to which state agencies should own or operate the pier and what actions, if any, should be undertaken with regard to whether future operation of the pier should include input or participation by municipalities or other governmental instrumentalities abutting the port of New Bedford; and

(v) recommendations for improvements and repairs to infrastructure and enhancements to increase public access, facilitation of activities surrounding the offloading and transport of commercial fishing landings, expanding the use of the facility for water dependent cargo, short sea shipping, marine transportation, cruise facilities and non-water dependent uses related to tourism and economic development, potential redevelopment and creation of mixed use facilities to include commercial uses, retail, restaurants, research and development and public event space. The amount authorized in item 1100-1420 of section 2A of chapter 312 acts of 2008 with regard to the pier shall be used to fund implementation of all recommendations of the study.