Amendment ID: S2188-2

Amendment 2

MassMutual Convention Center

Ms. Candaras and Mr. Welch move to amend the amendment in section 1, by inserting after item 0101-0101 the following item:- 

XXXX-XXXX For the planning, development, construction and related and costs of the parking expansion and additional meeting space at the MassMutual Convention Center in the city of Springfield; provided, that the funds authorized by this item shall be expended only in accordance with the following conditions: (a) the provisions of sections 26 to 27F, inclusive, and section 29 of chapter 149 of the General Laws shall apply to all trade contracts for said project; (b) all construction employees employed in the construction of said project shall be paid no less than the wage rate established for such work pursuant to a project labor agreement with the appropriate labor organization or labor organizations, which includes (1) a uniform grievance and arbitration procedure for the resolution of work-related disputes on job sites; (2) mutually agreeable uniform work rules and schedules for the project; and (3) an obligation for any such labor organization and its constituent members not to strike with respect to work on such project; provided, that it shall not be a precondition to the award of a contract that a bidder have previously entered into a collective bargaining agreement with a labor organization, but only that the bidder be willing to execute and comply with said project labor agreement for the project if it is awarded a contract; and (c) preference shall be given in hiring, to the best of the awarding authority's ability, to Springfield residents, minorities and women in accordance with a residents construction employment plan and agreement for the project  …..$42,000,000