Amendment ID: S2223-17-R1

Redraft Amendment 17

IT Project Management and Oversight

Ms. Creem move to amend the amendment in Section 6, by inserting after the word “projects”, in line 272, the following words:-  “and all ongoing projects”; and

In said section 6, in subsection (b) of proposed section 22P of chapter 7 of the General Laws, by inserting after clause (i) the following clause:-

“(i 1/2) identifying which information technology projects and procurements shall require the services of an independent verification and validation consultant;”; and

in said section 6, by striking out, in line 297, the word “writing” and inserting in place thereof the following word:-  “drafting”; and             

in said section 6, by inserting after the word drafting, in line 300, the following words:-

and reviewing”; and

in said section 6, by striking out, in lines 305 and 306, the words “commonwealth change in the information technology industry and trends in information technology contracting so require” and inserting in place thereof the following words:-  “commonwealth change in the information technology industry and trends in information technology contracting so require. In developing the standard contract terms, the information technology procurement team may consider, as part of managing contracting risk, incorporating language addressing protection of the commonwealth’s intellectual property rights, deliverable acceptance criteria, acceptable time periods for review of deliverables with the possibility of extensions as needed, testing procedures to ascertain a new system’s functionality in handling all foreseeable scenarios, payment methods dependent upon achievement of business functionality milestones, training for agency staff, acceptable warranty periods, financial penalties to the vendor for delays and provisions allowing for termination of the contract by the commonwealth if deemed necessary or beneficial”; and

in said section 6, by inserting after the word “information”, in line 309, the following word:-  “technology”; and

in said section 6, in subsection (d) of proposed section 22P of section 7 of the General Laws, by striking out clause (v) and inserting in place thereof the following 2 clauses:-

“(v) provide to the CCIO a list of information technology projects that have significantly failed to deliver the anticipated business benefits, of which the CCIO, in consultation with the assistant secretary for operational services, shall conduct, through the use of an external resource, an analysis of the causes of such failure; and

(vi) gather and maintain relevant records, documents and information relating to vendor performance on ongoing and completed projects to assist agencies in learning about prospective vendors’ past performance”; and

in said section 6, in proposed section 22P of said chapter 7, by adding the following subsection:-

“(e) The CCIO shall establish an enterprise project management office to assign project managers to oversee and manage large information technology projects or other types of capital projects. Project managers, in consultation with the SCIO, shall provide reports, not less than quarterly, on project management status, progress, performance and expenditures for all ongoing information technology projects. Based on the reports, the CCIO, in consultation with the SCIO, may make decisions regarding the funding or continued funding of information technology projects.”; and

by adding the following section:-

“SECTION 17. The executive office for administration and finance shall promulgate regulations relative to the hiring of former employees of information technology vendors for executive branch management positions in which such former employees may be required to directly oversee the work of that same vendor and shall submit such regulations to the house and senate committees on bonding, capital expenditures and state assets and the house and senate committees on ways and means by December 31, 2014.”