Amendment ID: S2223-39-R2

2nd Redraft Amendment 39

Eligible Entities

Ms. Chang-Diaz moves to amend the amendment in section 2B, in item 1599-7062, by inserting after the word “Laws”, in line 78, the following words:- “; provided further, that entities eligible to receive such grants shall include public school districts, charter schools, consortia of such districts, educational collaboratives and regional councils of governments; provided further, that the office, in consultation with the department, may consider applications submitted by special education schools approved under chapter 71B of the General Laws” and

in said section 2B, in said item 1599-7062, by inserting after the word “preparedness”, in line 82, the following words:- “; provided further, that the strategic plan shall ensure cost-effective purchasing and regional solutions, if applicable, and the means by which the department shall ensure equity between districts of different wealth and income in different areas of the commonwealth”.