Amendment ID: S2250-186-R1

Redraft Amendment 186

Neponset River Park and Canoe Launch

Mr. Joyce moves to amend the amendment in section 2, in item 2800-7027, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “provided further, that $7,500,000 shall be expended to begin contaminated sediment remediation in the Neponset River in the area of the Baker Dam and the Tileston and Hollingsworth Dam, and for land acquisition adjacent to the Neponset River near Truman Parkway in the town of Milton and for clean-up and the design and construction of a park and canoe launch located at the aforementioned property; provided that the department of environmental protection shall vigorously continue its investigation to identify the responsible parties for the pollution, and shall collaborate with the attorney general to recover these funds from the responsible parties;” and in section 2A, in item 6720-1335, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- “provided further that funds may be expended to dredge the Neponset River in Dorchester and Milton from Squantum Point to Milton Landing”