Amendment ID: S2264-4-R1

Redraft Amendment 4

Contribution Reporting Schedule

Mr. Downing moves to amend the amendment in section 26 by striking out lines 337 to 347 inclusive, and inserting in place thereof the following:-

"(b) A candidate and the treasurer of a political committee required to designate a depository shall deposit contributions in the form received within 7 days of receipt. Any candidate or treasurer required to designate a depository shall file with the director, by the fifth and twentieth day of each month, the following information: (1) a list of all contributions of more than $50 deposited as of the first and fifteenth day of the month and since the last such statement, including an alphabetical list of names and addresses of all the names and addresses of each person making such contributions; (2) for a person who has made a contribution in an amount or value of $200 or more in any calendar year, the occupation and employer of the contributor, and such information for each contribution of less than $200, if the aggregate of all contributions received from such contributor within any calendar year is $200 or more, and (3) a summary of all contributions of $50 or less deposited that are not itemized on the report.  During the last six months of an election year in which a candidate’s name appears on the ballot, the information required by subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall be filed by the candidate or candidate’s committee with the director within 72 hours of each deposit."