Budget Amendment ID: FY2014-S3-107
GOV 107
Massachusetts Historical Commission Monitor
Mr. Rodrigues moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 0526-0100, by adding at the end thereof the following:-
“; provided further, that beginning in fiscal year 2014, the commission shall publish, at least twice per month: (i) a summary or copy of the notices submitted pursuant to section 27C of chapter 9 of the general laws, including but not limited to, a summary or copy of each determination made by the commission regarding whether a project that is the subject of such notice will have any adverse effect, and a summary or copy of any commission recommendations regarding measures to eliminate, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects of such project; and (ii) a listing of any application to the commission for, and any certification made by the commission regarding, eligibility for and/or award of an historic rehabilitation tax credit under section 6J of chapter 62 or section 38R of chapter 63 of the General Laws; and provided further, that the publication shall be available on the website of the commission in such form as is reasonably suited to informing all interested agencies and persons of such notices, applications, determinations, recommendations, and certifications, and shall indicate the manner in which the full text of any notice, application, determination, recommendations, or certifications may be obtained by such agencies or persons”