Budget Amendment ID: FY2014-S3-27-R1

Redraft OTH 27

UMass Lowell Land Transfer

Ms. Donoghue moved that the proposed new text be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new section:-


Section __. (a) Notwithstanding sections 40E to 40J, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the general Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, with the consent and approval of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, shall convey to the city of Lowell a parcel of land formerly owned by the city of Lowell in the city of Lowell and, as more particularly described below, to the city of Lowell for municipal purposes.


The parcel to be conveyed contains approximately 171,294 square feet.  The parcel is bounded and described as follows:  Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Pawtucket Boulevard at an angle in the southerly line, easterly of the easterly line of Boulevard Street about Station 27685.46 as shown on Sheet 6 of Layout 4478 dated August 28, 1956, as shown on plan entitled “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Plan of Road in the city of Lowell, Middlesex County, laid out as a state highway by the department of public works, Scale 40 feet to an inch”; thence easterly along the southerly line of Pawtucket Boulevard four hundred ninety-seven (497) feet plus or minus to a point; thence southerly at an interior angle with the last described line through land of the city of Lowell four hundred and eighteen (418) feet feet plus or minus to the Merrimack River; thence westerly at an interior angle with the last described line along the Merrimack River four hundred and five (405) feet plus or minus to a point; thence northerly at an interior angle with the last described line three hundred and forty-eight (348) feet plus or minus to the point of the beginning.  Containing 171,294 square feet plus or minus and being the same premises as shown on plan entitled, “Compiled Subdivision of Land in Lowell, Mass., belonging to the City of Lowell, - Parcel A to be conveyed to Lowell Technological Institute – Compiled October 7, 1963, Scale 100 ft. = 1 inch, City Engineer’s Office, Lowell, Mass., George M. McDonough, City Engineer”.


(b) Conveyance of said parcel shall represent the final remaining property transfer between the University of Massachusetts Lowell and the City of Lowell with respect to the property transactions concerning the 2010 University of Massachusetts Lowell acquisition of the Tsongas Arena from the City of Lowell.


(c) This act shall take effect immediately upon passage.