Budget Amendment ID: FY2014-S3-702

EHS 702

Adult Foster Day Care

Mr. McGee and Ms. Jehlen and Messrs. Joyce, DiDomenico, Keenan, Rodrigues and Knapik and Ms. Spilka and Mr. Michael O. Moore moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4000-0600, Mr. McGee moved that the bill be amended, in section 2, in item 4000-0600, by inserting after the words “poverty level”, the following: “provided further the Executive Office of Health and Human Services shall complete a rate review of the MassHealth payment rates for Adult Foster Care services and propose revised rates for Adult Foster Care program that are effective December 1, 2013, and submit a report to the House and Senate Ways and Means Committee regarding said review by December 31, 2013.”