Budget Amendment ID: FY2015-S4-232

ENV 232

City of Boston Economic Development

Mr. Rush moved that the proposed new text be amended moved that the bill be amended by inserting, after section __, the following new section:-


"SECTION __. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the division of capital asset management and maintenance, hereinafter 'the division' may, on behalf of and in coordination with the department of conservation and recreation, hereinafter 'the department', enter into negotiations to execute a lease agreement, hereinafter 'the lease', with 1235-1237 VFW Parkway LLC, the owner of the property located at 1235-1237 Veterans of Foreign Wars parkway in the West Roxbury neighborhood of the city of Boston, hereinafter 'the lessor.' The property consists of approximately 19,781 square feet, or 0.45 acres, currently used as a parking lot. The lease shall be on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the division, in consultation with the department and subject to the requirements of this section. (b) The division, on behalf of the department, may lease the property from the lessor for an original term of not more than 5 years, and may provide an option to extend the lease term for 1 consecutive term of 5 years; provided, however, that any additional renewal of the lease for any further term of years shall require express statutory authorization by the general court. The lease shall be for not more than fair market value, as determined by an independent appraisal, and shall require that the property only be used as a parking lot, under the care and control of the department, to be used for public parking and increased access to Havey beach, Riverdale park, Rivermoor park, Millennium park, or other nearby properties maintained by the department. (c) At least 21 days prior to the execution of the lease by the division, the commissioner of the division shall file a copy of the lease with the inspector general and the clerks of the house of representatives and senate. The inspector general shall review the lease and file any comments and recommendations thereon with the division and the chairs of said committee at least 10 days prior to the execution of the lease. (d) The department shall have the right to renovate, repair or improve the property, subject to the terms of this section. The lessor shall maintain any existing property or liability insurance in an amount and of a type sufficient to protect the commonwealth and its leasehold interest from any action arising for a claim against the property subject to the lease; provided, that the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance, and the commissioner of conservation and recreation shall review and approve the terms of such insurance. (e) The division is hereby authorized, if at any time it deems it to be necessary and in the best interest of the commonwealth, to acquire the leasehold interest as well as all other rights, title, and interest in the property by purchase, by eminent domain, or otherwise. Should the division exercise the eminent domain authority provided in this section, the division shall pay the lessor not more than fair market value for the property, as determined by an independent appraisal, and the lessor may pursue its rights as provided by chapter 79 of the General Laws. Any leasehold interest in the property, no matter how acquired, shall be subject to the use restrictions of subsection (b). (f) No lease agreement executed in accordance with this section, and no renewal or extension of such agreement shall be valid and no payment shall be made to the lessor, or any other lessor, unless a sworn disclosure statement has been filed by the lessor, and in the case of a corporation, by a duly authorized officer thereof giving the true names and addresses of all persons who have or will have a direct or indirect beneficial interest in said property, with the division and the department. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any stockholder of a corporation the stock of which is listed for sale to the general public with the securities and exchange commission, if such stockholder holds less than 10 per cent of the outstanding stock entitled to vote at the annual meeting of such corporation. Such disclosure statement shall also be during the term of the lease agreement in the event of any change of interest in the property, as provided, within 30 days of such change. Any official elected to public office in the commonwealth, or any employee of the division or department disclosing beneficial interest in real property pursuant to this subsection, shall identify the person’s position as part of the disclosure statement. The division shall keep a copy of each disclosure statement received available for public inspection during regular business hours."