Budget Amendment ID: FY2015-S4-499-R1

Redraft EDU 499

State University Tuition and Fee Freeze

Mr. Michael O. Moore, Ms. Donoghue, Ms. Candaras, Ms. Lovely, Ms. Chandler, Ms. Chang-Diaz, Messrs. Downing and Pacheco moved that the proposed new text be amended moved that the bill be amended, in section 2, by striking out item 1599-4440 and inserting in place thereof the following item:- “ 1599-4440 For supplemental support to state universities under section 92A of this act”; and


moved that the bill be amended by inserting, after section 92, the following new section:-


"Section 92A. (a) (i) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Bridgewater State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7109-0100, in an amount not less than $43,473,711 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Bridgewater State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Bridgewater State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(ii) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Fitchburg State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7110-0100, in an amount not less than $28,956,573 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Fitchburg State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Fitchburg State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(iii) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Framingham State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7112-0100, in an amount not less than $26,858,468 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Framingham State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Framingham State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(iv) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7113-0100, in an amount not less than $15,683,779 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(v) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Salem State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7114-0100, in an amount not less than $43,786,737 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Salem State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Salem State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(vi) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Westfield State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7115-0100, in an amount not less than $26,820,340 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Westfield State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Westfield State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(vii) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon Worcester State University receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7116-0100, in an amount not less than $25,910,664 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, Worcester State University, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at Worcester State University for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(viii) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon the Massachusetts College of Art receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7117-0100, in an amount not less than $17,361,365 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, the Massachusetts College of Art, shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at the Massachusetts College of Art for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(ix) Notwithstanding any special law to the contrary, if, upon the Massachusetts Maritime Academy receiving the full allotment of their base appropriation in line item 7118-0100, in an amount not less than $15,642,755 for fiscal year 2015, and funding of collective bargaining agreements, the Massachusetts Maritime Academy shall not increase mandatory curriculum fees for students at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(b) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, upon receipt of fund identified in subsection (a) state universities shall refund or credit any additional mandatory curriculum fee charged to students for the 2014-2015 academic year.


(c) The state universities shall work in conjunction with the house and senate committees on ways and means to develop an outcomes-based funding formula to be implemented in fiscal year 2016;


(d) The state universities shall annually report to the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on higher education, the secretary of administration and finance and the secretary of education: (i) the status of the percentage of student education costs placed upon the student and subsidized by the commonwealth with the goal of providing education costs to students at an equal 50/50 share between the commonwealth and the students; and (ii) a comprehensive document articulating the efficiencies and effectiveness of initiatives and programs at the state universities that save the commonwealth and students money and make the 9 campus system operate more efficiently."