Budget Amendment ID: FY2015-S4-514
EDU 514
Silent Spring Institute
Messrs. Wolf and Brownsberger, Ms. Creem and Mr. McGee moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 7504-0100, moved that the bill be amended in section 2, in item 7504-0100, by adding the following at the end thereof: "provided further, that an additional amount not less than $500,000 be administered by Cape Cod Community College and be allocated to Silent Spring Institute to study environmental contaminants and any and all findings shall be reported to all communities involved and the Cape Cod Commission to inform and be included in the Barnstable County Regional Wastewater Management Plan”; and in said item, by striking out the figure “$11,014,636” and inserting in place thereof the figure “$11,514,636”.