Budget Amendment ID: FY2015-S4-715
EHS 715
DCF Attorneys
Messrs. Keenan, Barrett and Brownsberger moved that the proposed new text be amended in section 2, in item 4800-0015, moved that the bill be amended in section 2, in item 4800-0015, by striking the figure “$74,637,692 and inserting in place thereof the following figure “$63,717,692”
And by inserting the following new line item:
4800-1200For the AA and DD object class costs of the department’s attorneys; provided that funds shall mitigate attorney caseloads in those areas furthest from the statewide weighted caseload standard and toward achieving an attorney caseload ratio of 60 to 1 statewide; and provided further, that only attorney/employees in bargaining unit 6 as identified in the Massachusetts personnel administrative reporting and information system shall be paid form thus item$10,920,000