Amendment ID: H1642-1

Amendment 1

Clarifying Langauge

Mr. Humason moves to amend the bill by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in place thereof the following text:-

“SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the physical location of the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden, the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden shall be designated and known as the John M. Greaney district court in honor of John M. Greaney, who served as associate justice of the supreme judicial court and as chief justice of the appeals court.  The division of capital asset management and maintenance shall erect and maintain a suitable marker bearing that designation in compliance with the standards of the division and as may be authorized pursuant to a lease agreement for the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden.

SECTION 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to be a taking of an interest in the real property leased by the commonwealth for the operation of the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden.”