Amendment #10 to H2015
Relative to Being Excused from Voting
Mr. Hill of Ipswich moves to amend the order in House Rule 48, in line 998, by inserting after the word “member.” the following two sentences: “If the committee on Rules determines that the absence of the member is due to official business directed by the Speaker or ordered by the House, or due to hospitalization or military service, it shall notify the Clerk of the approval of such applications; provided, that the Clerk shall indicate in the text of journal below the bold faced yea and nay supplement number and on all official roll call records that any such members are “excused from voting” followed by the reason for the official absence; and provided further, that the letter “E” shall display on the roll call sheet next to the name of any member so excused. Provided, however, that no member may be excused from voting, except for official legislative business per direction of the Speaker or by order of the House, or hospitalization.