Amendment ID: H3340-1

Amendment 1

Norton to use water supply and conservation land for public way purposes

Mr. Timilty moves to amend the bill by striking out section 2 and inserting in place thereof the following 3 sections:-

“SECTION 2.  As a condition of the conveyance authorized in section 1, the town of Norton shall transfer the care, custody and control of the parcel of town-owned land located off James street, identified by the assessors as parcel 5-2-02-0, containing 0.62 acres, more or less, and acquired by the town by a final judgment in a tax foreclosure case recorded with the Bristol county registry of deeds in book 8028, page 46, from the tax custodian for tax title purposes to the conservation commission and the conservation commission shall dedicate and designate the parcel for conservation purposes pursuant to section 8C of chapter 40 of the General Laws.

SECTION 3.  If the land conveyed pursuant to section 1 ceases to be used for the purposes described in said section 1, the land shall revert to the town of Norton for conservation or water supply purposes.

SECTION 4.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.”