Amendment #1004 to H3400
Critical Incident Stress Management
Representatives Hogan of Stow, Ryan of Boston, McMurtry of Dedham and Puppolo of Springfield move to amend the bill in section 2, in item 8324-0000 in line 24, by inserting after “program” the following: “provided further, that the amount allocated for critical incident stress management residential services in item 8000-0000 of section 2 of chapter 182 of the acts of 2008 shall be allocated to the program in fiscal year 2016” and in said item by striking out the figures “$17,809,781” and inserting in place thereof the figures “$18,209,781”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #1004 to H3400
Critical Incident Stress Management
Representative: |
Timothy R. Whelan |
Denise Provost |
Diana DiZoglio |
Paul R. Heroux |
Walter F. Timilty |
Carlos Gonzalez |
Marjorie C. Decker |
Carolyn C. Dykema |
James J. O'Day |