Amendment #1006 to H3400
Equitable Distribution of Historic Tax Credits
Representatives O'Day of West Boylston, Donahue of Worcester, Farley-Bouvier of Pittsfield, Mahoney of Worcester and Schmid of Westport move to amend the bill by inserting after section 75 the following sections:
Section 6J of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2012 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “year”, in line 39, the following “, of which no less than sixty per cent shall be allocated to projects located in Gateway Municipalities, as defined in section 3A of chapter 23A of the General Laws.”
Section 38R of chapter 63 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by inserting after the word “year”, in line 38, the following “, of which no less than sixty per cent shall be allocated to projects located in Gateway Municipalities, as defined in section 3A of chapter 23A of the General Laws.”