Amendment #1032 to H3400
Workforce Training Fund Amendment
Mr. Fernandes of Milford moves to amend the bill by adding at the end thereof the following new section:
SECTION XX: Section 2RR of Chapter 29 of the General Laws, 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section:
(l) Any funds remaining in the trust fund at the end of the fiscal year shall be carried over to the next fiscal year for the purpose of funding training programs, in line with the purpose of this trust fund, for those who are unemployed. The director shall use existing institutions such as regional employment boards, community colleges, labor organizations, administrative entities for service delivery areas under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, and other entities that have expertise in providing technical assistance regarding employee training or with employees of the executive office workforce development or of the Commonwealth Corporation; provided that these institutions have partnered with an employer who commits to hiring eligible individuals trained through the grant program proposed. Criteria for funding will include objectives similar to those set forth in subsection (1) of section (b) of this section, excluding those directly referencing existing employment for the trainee.