Amendment #1083 to H3400

DCAM Property Lease Compilation and Status Report

Mr. Kocot of Northampton moves that the bill be amended in section 2, in item 1102-3199, in line 5, by inserting after "office" the following:  "...provided further, that the division shall compile a list of all properties, including but not limited to boathouses, skating rinks, land, buildings, and athletic fields offered for lease by the Commonwealth, the agency that has care and custody of each property, the terms of said leases, the lease rates of said leases, the last time the lease was renegotiated, the name of the lessee, the address of the lease, the appraised value of each property, whether the property is occupied, the rate of rent, the name of the entity that maintains the property and the yearly cost of such maintenance and the amount of revenue collected for each property for each of the last ten years.  This information shall be provided to the joint committee on state administration and regulatory oversight by August 30, 2015."