Amendment #255 to H3400

Critical Incident Stress Management

Ms. Balser of Newton moves to amend the bill in Section 2  in line item 8324-000 by inserting after the word "academy" in line 5 the following: "critical incident stress programs"


and further amend said item by adding at the end the following:

; provided further, that no less than $100,000 shall be allocated by the department for "critical incident stress management"


and further amend said item by striking out the figures "$17,809,781" and inserting in place thereof the figures "$17,909,781".


Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #255 to H3400

Critical Incident Stress Management


Daniel J. Ryan

Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.

Denise Provost

James J. Dwyer

Diana DiZoglio

Paul R. Heroux

Carlos Gonzalez

Paul W. Mark

Peter V. Kocot

Daniel M. Donahue

William C. Galvin

Louis L. Kafka

Stephen L. DiNatale

James J. O'Day