Amendment #286 to H3400
Southeastern Massachusetts Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (SMAMC) Amendment
Representatives Koczera of New Bedford, Cabral of New Bedford, Fiola of Fall River and Galvin of Canton move to amend the bill in section 2, by inserting after line item 7002-1506 the following item:
“7002-1507 For the Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation doing business as the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative to provide for staffing the Southeastern Massachusetts Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (SMAMC) to continue outreach to engage manufacturers in the five southeast WIB regions (Bristol, Brockton, Cape and Islands, Greater New Bedford, and South Shore), to facilitate workforce training grant applications, and to support the SMAMC governance body in its mission ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$200,000"
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #286 to H3400
Southeastern Massachusetts Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (SMAMC) Amendment
Representative: |
Susan Williams Gifford |
Paul A. Schmid, III |
Keiko M. Orrall |