Amendment #291 to H3400
Tufts Dental Facilities
Representatives Scibak of South Hadley, Puppolo of Springfield, Provost of Somerville, DiNatale of Fitchburg, Fox of Boston, Khan of Newton, Murphy of Weymouth, Ashe of Longmeadow, Orrall of Lakeville, Kocot of Northampton, Gordon of Bedford, D'Emilia of Bridgewater, Pignatelli of Lenox, Devers of Lawrence and Decker of Cambridge move to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4512-0500, by striking out the figures "1,495,525" and inserting in place thereof the figures "1,995,525".
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #291 to H3400
Tufts Dental Facilities
Representative: |
Hannah Kane |
Kevin G. Honan |
Denise C. Garlick |
Tom Sannicandro |
Walter F. Timilty |