Amendment #351 to H3400
Fire Education Program
Mr. Heroux of Attleboro moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting at the end of line item 8324-0000 after the words “expenses of the council” the following: -
“provided that $1,200,000 shall be allocated by the department for student awareness of fire education program" and by striking out the figures “$17,809,781” and inserting in place thereof, the figures “$19,009,781”.
Additional co-sponsor(s) added to Amendment #351 to H3400
Fire Education Program
Representative: |
Daniel J. Ryan |
Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. |
Denise Provost |
James J. Dwyer |
Diana DiZoglio |
Colleen M. Garry |
Brendan P. Crighton |
Steven Ultrino |
Carlos Gonzalez |
Peter V. Kocot |
Daniel M. Donahue |
John H. Rogers |